Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons

42,53 USD
21,59 USD
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Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons is a legendary expansion pack for Guild Wars 2 that offers players the opportunity to explore the distant lands of Cantha. This expansion, filled with new maps, rich stories, events, weapons, and character classes, takes the Guild Wars 2 experience to a whole new level. Buy now and embark on new adventures with Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons!

    Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons is a major expansion pack for Guild Wars 2 that offers players the opportunity to explore the distant lands of Cantha. This new expansion includes both new maps and a new character class called "Specter." Immerse yourself in the mystical atmosphere of Cantha and embark on your journey with new quests and rich stories. End of Dragons also enriches the Guild Wars 2 experience with new weapons, events, and playable content.


    Delivery Process:

    1. Code Delivery: Once your purchase is complete, your product code will be securely delivered via email.

    2. Immediate Use:

    • Log into your Guild Wars 2 account and select the "Code Input" option.

    • Enter your code to activate Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons.

    3. Get Started: Step into the lands of Cantha and embark on new adventures!


    Buy Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons now and start a brand new adventure in the Guild Wars 2 world!

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